Micro Engine

Microengine (CATIA V5)


Motorcycle (ProE)


Rover (GLTF)

Boom Box

Boom Box (GLB)

Press CTRL to select multiple components or CTRL+A to select all.

Background Colors

Model Orientation

Image-Based Lighting

Directional Lights

Light Space


Base color: color of the faces.

Metallic: Choose 1 for metal, 0 for dielectric.

Roughness: Slide between 0 (smooth) and 1 (rough).

Opacity: Slide between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).

Ambient Occlusion

Ambient Occlusion: soft shadows cast on the model. Slide right to emphasize, left to minimize.


Directional Lights: Choose up to 3 lights based on their lighting direction and set their color.

Light Space: Choose whether lights will be based on the camera axes (and follow the camera) or world axes.


Image Based Lighting (IBL): Choose whether to light the scene with real-world images, set the intensity of this light, animate the scene lighting, and adjust the speed of animation.


Background Colors: Set the upper and lower backgroud color of the scene.

Model Orientation: Rotate the model so the correct axis is pointing upwards (in positive Z).

Simple Shadow: Enable a simple shadow cast on the ground plane. Slide right to blur, slide left to sharpen (or all the way to disable).

Simple Reflection: Enable a simple reflection cast on the ground plane. Slide right to blur, slide left to sharpen (or all the way to disable).

Draw Mode

Display Mode: Set the drawing mode for the model (for best results, choose "Shaded").

Orthographic/Perspective: Change the projection style of the model.

Render Engine

Render Engine: Click this button when the default microengine model is loaded to render pre-assigned PBR values that have been saved. Note: this button will disappear when the model is changed.